Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TIM KORRY- Indie Musician's Log- Stardate 10/11 Deo Optimo Maximo

The last five weeks have been really busy. 25 new songs have been developed and recorded for preproduction. Let me tell you 2-3 hours a night after an 8 hour day takes its toll a bit, but thanks to God for the opportunity and strength to move through it. The rough tracks are not solid yet and there are more yet on the way… literally a “work in progress”. Filming for the 9 Sticks video was to begin next month, but has been postponed due to some time and personnel issues. These things happen. Moving forward, I anticipate releasing an animated music video before the end of the year and live streaming a show within the next few months. Currently I am working to release a single by years end called “Back to Your Heartbeat”.
This fall season has inspired a lot of thought and musical ideas. I’m not sure what will be happening next, but this is the dilemma of many artists. We live in boxes, we buy food and eat in boxes, we raise families in boxes, and we end up in boxes. What is outside the box? This is what we seek. News to come….

Deo Optimo Maximo

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